Income-Based Housing in Kyle, Texas

The Chloe Residences is a mixed-income community providing top-notch residences and amenity spaces. Along with market-rate rents, a portion of our well-appointed living spaces are reserved at economical rental rates for households earning 80 percent of the median household income. 

Qualifying is easy: 

The total household gross annual income must fall within the income limit of $100,800. We are more than happy to pre-qualify based on your household’s needs.

How to apply:

To apply for the income-based affordable housing program, there are some simple steps to complete:

  • Submit Application: Fill out an application that includes the household’s financial information.
  • Income Information: All sources of income will be verified based on the application submitted. This may include but is not limited to:

    • Paystubs
    • Bank Statements
    • Tax returns for the last 2 years
    • Other potential income – SSI, Child Support, Cash Gifts, etc.

Application Review: Our Compliance Team will review and process your application.

Ready to Apply?

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to live at The Chloe Kyle. Chat with us today to learn more about our income-based affordable housing program and start your application process.

* Income limits are based on the current 2024 maximum income qualifications per apartment and are subject to change upon AMI updates. 

Disclosure of Rental Requirements & Housing Choice Voucher Acceptance

We accept applicants for residents participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program subject to their meeting all the other rental criteria for the property. Additionally, at least 171 apartments on the property are available for rent to households earning less than 80% of AMI at reduced rents. Annual income recertifications and documentation related thereto will be required of all residents residing in these lower income units.

Divulgación de los Requisitos de Alquiler y Aceptación de Vales de Elección de Vivienda

Aceptamos las solicitudes de los residentes que participan en el Programa de Vales de Elección de Vivienda sujeto a su cumplimiento de todos los demás criterios de alquiler de la propiedad. Además, al menos 171 apartamentos en la propiedad están disponibles para alquiler a los hogares que ganan menos del 80% del AMI en alquileres reducidos. Se exigirá a todos los residentes que residan en estas unidades de ingresos más bajos la recertificación anual de sus ingresos y la documentación correspondiente.